
There are some days when I’m very very glad to hand my child over to her teacher and gleefully skip away.

Or, like this morning, push her out the door with Chris and crawl back into bed to recover.

Seriously, it was an hour of non-stop whining.  All morning long.

1.  These clothes are too HOT.

2.  I don’t WANT TIGHTS! (*note, I didn’t even have tights out to dress her in)

3.  These pants bother me.

4.  I don’t want buns in my hair!!! (this, after I’d finished fixing it.  it was the longest whine of the morning, complete with pulling at her hair like a dog scratching for fleas.  she now looks like a total ragamuffin)

5.  These shoes hurt my boo boo!  I want my grey boots. (She loves the grey boots….but they don’t work well with jeans.  So on the one day, every other week when I make her wear pants, she’s got to wear something other than those boots!)

6.  These shoes are too big.  (My attempt to find shoes that don’t touch her boo boo)

7.  I need a Vit. C Drop!!!!  (She usually gets one every day, but noticed Jordan getting a handful to keep with him all day since he’s feeling stuffy, and thought she was being left out)

8.  I don’t want to go to school.  They are popping balloons and I hate popping balloons.  I’m supposed to take in 5 blown up balloons.

skreeeeeeee…..what?  5 blown up balloons?  So I hunt down Chris and ask if he’s heard anything about this.

“Yeah.  It was on some little piece of paper she brought home from school last week.  It sat in a pile of papers in the living room for a few days.  You didn’t find it? She needs 100 little things too”

Uh, no.  Didn’t find it hiding in a pile of papers.   Mad scramble to kind 100 little things to send in (beads) which apparently then need to be counted out in groups of 10 and send in that way.  $5.00 worth of ziploc bags later, we’ve got 100 things and no balloons, since I generally don’t keep those laying around.

But lunches got packed, hair and teeth got brushed, they both have dress code appropriate clothing on, and they’re there.  Done.  finished.  I’m free for the day.  Jordan gets lumped in here on the end, because even though he was pretty compliant this morning…he’s got a ton of late assignments to turn in today.  Always a big win to be turning in schoolwork a week late.

I think their teachers need a raise though.  A big one.

This entry was published on February 7, 2011 at 7:48 am and is filed under Cecelia, Jordan. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “Mondays

  1. I have two morning kids and two not morning kids. And one not morning kid is my 12 year old girl. It is a rare morning that we can go without some kind of snark and door-slamming. Delightful.

    Rest up & have a better day!

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